Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Arabs

We used to be mighty
Now we wear servility on our sleeves
We used to be savvy
Until we traded Abdel Nasser for Mursi
We used to be scientists and academics
But lately, ignorance has enveloped us like a slow setting disease
Our historical timeline was so diverse!
There was that one time we warded off crusaders
That other time we were vagabonds in deserts
And then that time again when we became reputed businessmen & traders

We used to be innovators
Look at us now
A bunch of sorry imitators 
How does that happen to a people that had once established a House of Wisdom?

They're under the false impression that their Spring 
Will restore their long-lost title as kings
But so far it's proven to be nothing but a mourning ring
Grown, virile men weeping over their brothers & fathers
The most revered figure of resistance has become "The Martyr" 
Mothers dig tiny holes to serve as graves
For their cherubic, now lifeless, babes

We used to be united under the umbrella of one faith
No one thought we'd ever see the day
When bombs doubled as calls to prayer
And religious paradigmatic heroes morphed into slayers

Ours is a tale of sordid rise and fall
But mostly falls
In this feat, it is safe to say we have surpassed all
It's ok, don't look so annoyed
We can still reminisce about our enduring magnificent past
On our one-way ticket out of this place
With our foreign passports 

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