Monday, July 14, 2014

She Sleeps So Still (Ode to My Grandmother)

Mahmoud Darwish once wrote: " Death does not hurt the deceased, death only hurts the living"

I wonder what he would write, if he knew what kind of soul has recently joined the rows of the deceased:

While our mortal voices wailed over your departure

Angels rejoiced in your arrival

While we bathed your corpse into an immaculate state

Your spirit had already been rinsed of its sins

As we lowered your regal shroud into the hallow depths of this Arabian land 

Where no light enters

You frolic around in your restored youthful self

 In the brightest Gardens of Eden.

They bruised your chest as they were frantically trying to shock you back to life

But you had already made your grand exodus

Your energy released back into the arms of the universe

Those who saw you after you've been cleansed, scented, and shrouded in white

Said there were no adjectives in the Arabic language

That could describe what laid to rest before them

So they called you a bride, a queen, a cherubic angel

Because even as you were cold and still

You only emitted warmth from your lips

Even in your lifelessness

You only looked as if you were sleeping

You made it look so temporary

As if you'd awaken any moment now from your slumber.

I shook you

I screamed your name

I pressed my ear against your ribcage

I lifted your eyelids to be sure

Empty shrunken pupils met my gaze

I let my tears fall on your face

And to no avail

No trace of a light

No trace of a life.

How is it, that just mere hours ago you bid me good morning

And now I'm lying next to you on a hospital bed

Embracing you, kissing you

Only this time, you did not reciprocate

I bid you the worst of farewells

Only now, you did not return the gesture.

What a worthless life

What an absurd existence

How trivial and painfully insignificant worldly concerns now seem

When you lose your best friend of 22 years

When you part with the woman you called "mama" until you took your first steps

All that time, it was she who filled the emotional void when your father passed away

So you never felt incomplete whatsoever

Every time she would let me examine her, she'd chuckle and say:

" It was only yesterday that I was changing your diapers and now you're a doctor! "

Constantly reassuring she would be there to see me graduate

Every time I studied for exams into the darkness of the night

She would be there too, keeping me company

Making sure I was never alone.

And if ever I had felt streaks of loneliness    before

Now I am the most lonely

If ever I had asked God why tragedies must always befall my family

Now I understand that the world is divided into uneven destinies

If ever I had wondered about a latent void within that refused to be filled

Now I am certain it was in preparation for this cursed day

If ever there was any one person who knew how to contain my occasional emptiness

She is gone. She no longer is

In turn, my emptiness permanent

And my doubted tragedy


Forever Loved

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