Thursday, September 4, 2014

Don't Despair

When you are given a moment knowing you will never get it back

My dear [ Don't despair ]

When you covet all, when you bare all

And you find no one waiting for you at the finish line

[ Don't despair ]

When warmth only comes your way


in between octaves of unbearable winter

My precious [ Don't despair ]

When your vanity gets so

That you no longer take your unfiltered reflection to be your God given appearance

[ Don't despair ] 

When the ache in your chest gets so

That you feel your ribcage strain under the pressure

[ Don't despair ] 

When your heart sings songs of intoxicated dances and stolen kisses that no one else hears 
Carry it on your sleeve

And [ Don't despair ]

When your soles bleed from traveling a tortuous spiked path
And you find yourself sans savior

[ Don't despair ]

When stasis has stamped and sealed your story
When you are surrounded by milestones and achievements
And you content and complacent

Perhaps then you may feel the urgency to despair

And yet...

[ Don't despair ]

Because all this is temporary 
Listen to me darling, all this is not real

A day will come when you are no more incarcerated in the cells of your mind

The day when death assails, you will be set free  

[ Don't despair ] because the day you die is the day your children and grandchildren will despair for you

In a night where moon betrays her lover the sky, 
Your spirit will whisper to them in their sleep



" My sweet don't despair" 

 [ Don't despair ]

Don't despair ]

Don't despair.

[  ]

Le Mal Du Pays - Rene Magritte

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