Thursday, September 4, 2014

Don't Despair

When you are given a moment knowing you will never get it back

My dear [ Don't despair ]

When you covet all, when you bare all

And you find no one waiting for you at the finish line

[ Don't despair ]

When warmth only comes your way


in between octaves of unbearable winter

My precious [ Don't despair ]

When your vanity gets so

That you no longer take your unfiltered reflection to be your God given appearance

[ Don't despair ] 

When the ache in your chest gets so

That you feel your ribcage strain under the pressure

[ Don't despair ] 

When your heart sings songs of intoxicated dances and stolen kisses that no one else hears 
Carry it on your sleeve

And [ Don't despair ]

When your soles bleed from traveling a tortuous spiked path
And you find yourself sans savior

[ Don't despair ]

When stasis has stamped and sealed your story
When you are surrounded by milestones and achievements
And you content and complacent

Perhaps then you may feel the urgency to despair

And yet...

[ Don't despair ]

Because all this is temporary 
Listen to me darling, all this is not real

A day will come when you are no more incarcerated in the cells of your mind

The day when death assails, you will be set free  

[ Don't despair ] because the day you die is the day your children and grandchildren will despair for you

In a night where moon betrays her lover the sky, 
Your spirit will whisper to them in their sleep



" My sweet don't despair" 

 [ Don't despair ]

Don't despair ]

Don't despair.

[  ]

Le Mal Du Pays - Rene Magritte

Monday, July 14, 2014

She Sleeps So Still (Ode to My Grandmother)

Mahmoud Darwish once wrote: " Death does not hurt the deceased, death only hurts the living"

I wonder what he would write, if he knew what kind of soul has recently joined the rows of the deceased:

While our mortal voices wailed over your departure

Angels rejoiced in your arrival

While we bathed your corpse into an immaculate state

Your spirit had already been rinsed of its sins

As we lowered your regal shroud into the hallow depths of this Arabian land 

Where no light enters

You frolic around in your restored youthful self

 In the brightest Gardens of Eden.

They bruised your chest as they were frantically trying to shock you back to life

But you had already made your grand exodus

Your energy released back into the arms of the universe

Those who saw you after you've been cleansed, scented, and shrouded in white

Said there were no adjectives in the Arabic language

That could describe what laid to rest before them

So they called you a bride, a queen, a cherubic angel

Because even as you were cold and still

You only emitted warmth from your lips

Even in your lifelessness

You only looked as if you were sleeping

You made it look so temporary

As if you'd awaken any moment now from your slumber.

I shook you

I screamed your name

I pressed my ear against your ribcage

I lifted your eyelids to be sure

Empty shrunken pupils met my gaze

I let my tears fall on your face

And to no avail

No trace of a light

No trace of a life.

How is it, that just mere hours ago you bid me good morning

And now I'm lying next to you on a hospital bed

Embracing you, kissing you

Only this time, you did not reciprocate

I bid you the worst of farewells

Only now, you did not return the gesture.

What a worthless life

What an absurd existence

How trivial and painfully insignificant worldly concerns now seem

When you lose your best friend of 22 years

When you part with the woman you called "mama" until you took your first steps

All that time, it was she who filled the emotional void when your father passed away

So you never felt incomplete whatsoever

Every time she would let me examine her, she'd chuckle and say:

" It was only yesterday that I was changing your diapers and now you're a doctor! "

Constantly reassuring she would be there to see me graduate

Every time I studied for exams into the darkness of the night

She would be there too, keeping me company

Making sure I was never alone.

And if ever I had felt streaks of loneliness    before

Now I am the most lonely

If ever I had asked God why tragedies must always befall my family

Now I understand that the world is divided into uneven destinies

If ever I had wondered about a latent void within that refused to be filled

Now I am certain it was in preparation for this cursed day

If ever there was any one person who knew how to contain my occasional emptiness

She is gone. She no longer is

In turn, my emptiness permanent

And my doubted tragedy


Forever Loved

Tuesday, April 8, 2014


A Douleur Exquise laden self

Has blurred my vision for some time now

On the beauty of the exterior world
Which I have always taken for granted 

I didn't realize how physiology could affect psychology 

Until I replaced shallow breaths for deeper ones

I didn't appreciate how essential water is to life

Until I swam in the Gulf Sea feeling like my throat might be slit from the burning brine

Ive always resented metropolitanism in the city

Until yesterday, when I strolled along the corniche, lecture notes in hand, marveling at how far Man has come

That these very edifices that we loathe for breeding consumerism 

Are also the enduring symbol of unwavering drive and ambition mankind possesses 

I didn't necessarily value modernity and how easy daily life has gotten

Until my grandmother told the story of how a midwife ripped open her cervix sans anesthesia 

To make room for her first newborn 

Then proceeded to pour hard liquor over her diffuse and vascular wound so it wouldn't fester 

All of this, while she was fully conscious

And yet...

I greet each day the same 

Dear Lord, thank you for blessing me with all the following that you defiantly condemn: 

Thank You for bestowing upon me belief in Your omnipotence 

Simultaneously coupled with a greater tendency to deviate from Your doctrine 

Thank You for heightening my senses to such an acute degree 

That the older I get, the more difficult it becomes to find a suitable mold

To accommodate my disproportionate pieces 

Thank You for the ability to tell the good apart from the evil

Only to predispose me to the rolling dices of ill-intention and desire to harm another person 

Thank You for the gift of autonomy and self-governance 

Yet having every decision and every action devoid of Divine intervention 

Thank You for the abundance of acquaintances and friends and family

With a cave's echo of resonant loneliness 

Thank You for the overflowing capacity to love

With no one to love

Thank You for my somewhat physically attractive veneer

To repress all the insecurities, the batshit crazy, and most of all the hollow lack of self-dignity 

Thank You for stealing my father away from me when I was 7

That in my frantic search for another man to take his place 

I placed worthless pieces of shit on a paternal pedestal

So they had no choice but to look down on me

Lastly, thank You for laying me down to sleep every night

And making sure, that every damn day, I am still alive


Waking up as the reflection of an infernal demoness

Donning a mask of cherubic innocence

Ashes to ashes

Dust to dust

This is how I was created

And this is how to Him I shall return. 

Saturday, February 22, 2014


( عقل تعود الكتابة بالأجنبية يجرب الخربشة بالعربية لأول مرة...عذراً مسبقا على أي أخطاء)

في ظل الفساد تتفاقم العبادات
و مع الرقابة الفكرية تنشل الانسانية
ما أصبح الفرق اﻵن
بين محكمة جنائية و محكمة إلهية
الا مخيلة واسعة
كل واحد منهم يحسب نفسه منزل من عند ربه
فقط لكونه مبجل لدى عشيرته 
تكرر الفتوى
كالأسعار بسوق الخضرة
و تلك العقول النامية تمتصها من غير تصفية
حقيقة، ما هي توقعاتك
من قوم أطاحوا بالجاهلية
فقط ليتخذوا عقلية جاهلة
سئمنا تناقضات
ناس حافية الأقدام تحارب غير خاشية المهازيم
و ناس على الشرفات تحتسي القهوة و تقرأ الفناجين
عقول تنادي بالحرية و العلمانية و الشفافية
و أخرى تناسبها ركعات محسوبة و مواعظ مقلوبة و تحرشات جنسية
اسألني عن أصلي و فصلي و سأروي لك الحكاية
من بداية الى نهاية
لكن أرجوك لا تحدثني عن نظريات داروينية أو ماركسية
و اسألني عن عقيدتي و سوف أتلو لك أي سورة بكل قراءاتها المختلفة
لكن من فضلك لا تكلمني عن عهد عبد الناصر
و معنى القومية العربية

Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Arabs

We used to be mighty
Now we wear servility on our sleeves
We used to be savvy
Until we traded Abdel Nasser for Mursi
We used to be scientists and academics
But lately, ignorance has enveloped us like a slow setting disease
Our historical timeline was so diverse!
There was that one time we warded off crusaders
That other time we were vagabonds in deserts
And then that time again when we became reputed businessmen & traders

We used to be innovators
Look at us now
A bunch of sorry imitators 
How does that happen to a people that had once established a House of Wisdom?

They're under the false impression that their Spring 
Will restore their long-lost title as kings
But so far it's proven to be nothing but a mourning ring
Grown, virile men weeping over their brothers & fathers
The most revered figure of resistance has become "The Martyr" 
Mothers dig tiny holes to serve as graves
For their cherubic, now lifeless, babes

We used to be united under the umbrella of one faith
No one thought we'd ever see the day
When bombs doubled as calls to prayer
And religious paradigmatic heroes morphed into slayers

Ours is a tale of sordid rise and fall
But mostly falls
In this feat, it is safe to say we have surpassed all
It's ok, don't look so annoyed
We can still reminisce about our enduring magnificent past
On our one-way ticket out of this place
With our foreign passports 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014


After an evanescent period of epiphany and two splendid literary pieces
I find myself yet again 
Returning to the place where sun rays do not disseminate into creases
I keep wondering, day in, day out

What it means to be a woman
In a day and age
Where some cunts are pierced
While others are mutilated by matrons on the streets
Where menstruals arrive
Like a death sentence
Nine months are spent in hope and anticipation
That the fetus within 
Will be rightly "equipped"
For his patriarchal coronation
Which is sure to be a most joyous occasion
Accompanied by shrieking unanimous ululations 

Legs are spread wide open
The doctor announces “It’s a girl”
Never mind progress here
You know that at least a part of her character, if not all, will be stolen
Why do we have to choose between being Muslims and being feminists?
My back can no longer withstand the load
Of bearing titles such as a “libertine atheist”
All because I refuse to believe that this faith
This faith of MINE
Erects pedestals of righteousness
For men who only think with their erections
They keep violently imposing on me
A disillusioned faith
That is measured
By what covers my hair and the top of my waist
I want
More heroic religious shes
And maybe just a little less festering beards
You see, in my Utopia of broken dreams
Faith is as what is chanted by whirling Sufis
They say, “Ours is not a caravan of despair”
They say, “Come, even if you have broken your vows a thousand times. Come, yet again”
I am a woman
I am a Muslim
I am a feminist
Come, walk a mile in my shoes
Then I wonder if you’ll keep fictionalizing my burdens and struggles
Which I have long ago learned to live with and accept
As my eternally damned truths.
Sarah Maple "Badass Muslimahs"

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Spoken Word: Internet Killed the ..... (Fill in Blank)

We live in a world
Where vines matter over minds
Where the number of likes you get on a picture
Validates your existence as a worthy creature
I got over 500 friends on my profile
But only about two I can count on in real life
My mind processes sceneries in a filter
My wandering ideas are condensed into 140 characters
Oh, and I mustn’t forget to include hashtags
That shit makes you automatically cooler
But hey, at least I have a solid fanbase on Twitter
That will listen
And not be passive
Because you know, it always feel like I’m communicating to masses
Talking and giving my LOUD opinion
In a silent cyber dominion
All without muttering a sound
And yet, I long to speak mounds
I wish to vocalize my shriveling sentiments
Not drown in an ocean of typed detriment
I am feeling something right now
That I wish to express to someone on the other line
Wait, but I MUST summarize
In that one categorical emoticon
All those ineffable facial lines
That formed on my face
While my words were mechanically being spaced
 Because nowadays emotions ought to be like their online counterparts
Accepted and bought
Rather than interpreted into abstract thought
God forbid
Your behavior should match your complex anatomy
You’ll risk those vultures hovering over you
Trying to pin you down with an abnormality

We live in a world
Where you touch to activate your devices
You don’t take your mama’s advices
But will share a quote that’s saying the same thing
To look as if you’re redeeming your vices
Fast- forward in time
Hey look it’s your funeral
The godly man is reciting words from the Holy Book
Not surprisingly, he is overlooked
People heard there was free Wifi
They’re all trying to find a connection
So they can post their condolences and sorry affections
On your Facebook wall
That apparently still bloody lives on
While your flesh rots
 It seems that in your time well-spent on earth
You’ve really had all your personal relationships mastered

You lucky bastard.
Paul Delvaux, The Deposition (1951)